Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Weave With Side Bang With Full Weave

The dictatorial regime of Paul Biya wants to organize a massacre of opponents

The dictatorial regime of Paul Biya wanted to shed the blood of revolutionaries

It a joint declaration signed by politicians such as Joshua Osih and Jean Michel Nintcheu (Vice-President and Regional President-Littoral SDF), and RM Abanda kPa but Ntondo (President and Secretary General of the presidential candidate), Dr. Samuel Mack-Kit (UPC President), Robert Simon (Vice-Chairman of w), and Dr. Victorian Hameni Bieleu (President UFDC), the organizers of Public events of February 23, 2011 are the balance sheet.

In this paper come to our writing, they accuse Paul Biya of blindness and autism politics. "The meeting was prevented military had yet been legally declared by MANIDEM Thursday, February 17, 2011 and the latter party has so far received no notification of ban on demonstrations. The authority has chosen to use methods of intimidation and punishment worthy of the colonial era to impede freedom of movement of opposition supporters. It is a state of emergency that dare not speak its name. The cities of Douala, Yaounde, Bafoussam, Bamenda and Nkongsamba are under siege. The authority has declared war on the people of Cameroon. "

Therefore they invite the people to resist. "The people of Cameroon who gave everything for freedom, sovereignty and democracy be intimidated by the repressive regime of the bay. Consequently, our youth in particular will continue to fight with the support of all until the final victory " .
This force calling itself the New Opposition Cameroon intends to build the people's victory over the reactionary forces. "The Patriots can not accept that only the CPDM and its brethren have the right to hold rallies in Cameroon. All the sacrifices made by freedom fighters can not be undone by the blindness of a system at bay. Without yielding to the deliberate provocations, we must continue to increase pressure on the dictatorial regime of Paul Biya. The law enforcement can not be a solution to resolve legitimate claims of Cameroonians. And invited the head of state to go out of business:

"We call on Mr Biya, in order to preserve peace and prevent our country's tragic scenarios that other people live, not to stand in the presidential election of 2011." While Jean-Michel Nintcheu peers and lick their wounds from batons of the soldiery, strategies to "fight" continues in the staffs.
Walk Convergence: Why not the claim has dragged
actors convergence are unanimous on the fact: the march on February 23 has not drained the great world. For this, several reasons are discussed. Essentially, the president of the Union of Democratic Forces of Cameroon Hameni Bieuleu understands that this failure is for the refusal of young people taking their destiny. However, according to Anicet Ekane presented for some time as an opinion leader and politician, hope is still required. An optimism that, the source said, is that "history of mankind has shown every time that repression keeps neither liberty nor revolution." Only history The march organized by the new dynamics of political parties of the opposition reveals a number of inconsistencies in the organization and the claims for this "new synergy."

The meeting held at the African Movement for New Independence and Democracy (MANIDEM), hours after walking "bloodily suppressed" (see The Messenger, 24 February 2011) has given to see the inconsistencies of this dynamic. The first shake-up of this day is referred to by the President of MANIDEM. Abanda Pkama suggests that the delay seen by the regional president of the Social Democratic Front (SDF) was a determining factor in the failure of the march. Whereas at a crossroads of Akwa district by his comrades, the Honourable Jean Michel Nintcheu has instead shifted to the roundabout Deido. A decision that would have forced other players to start walking. The result, according to Victorian Hameni Mbieuleu, "is that we went to the village hall where we were arrested," but it took on one of the main accused of this failure that makes his argument debate. The Honourable Jean Michel
Nintcheu hear her dissatisfaction with his comrades. "I am angry because your anticipation in action unsettled me." addition to the instructions that were not followed by the one and the other actors in the march of February 23, the blur is still on the real object of the claim. In this regard, the organizers of the march of February 23, 2011 do not agree. "Walk in memory of the martyrs of the riots of February 2008" for some. Reminder of the commitments of the Head of State for "fight against high prices" for others. And for the most part, claims to overthrow the regime. An approach modeled on the movement insiders for some time in Tunisia, Egypt, etc..

Week martyrs: the game and players
Behind Martyrs Week organized by the parties of convergence, there was as an option to mobilize people to undermine a regime that wanted unperturbed. This has left some panic reflected that speaks volumes about the mindset of the regime.
Indeed, the meeting which, in the opinion of the organizers had "lawfully declared by MANIDEM Thursday, February 17, 2011" met strong opposition, if not most, officers from law enforcement, intended to impede the movement of militants.
The flood of images from North Africa did she fantasize parts of the convergence, organizing the week of the martyrs, have believed that people idle and stunned by misery would follow them into a perilous adventure that uncertain Biya is to kick out? In any case, the effect of the Arab street has also been felt on the side of power which generated enormous resources to meet any eventuality. The announcement of the demonstrations had plunged the power of extreme nervousness in Yaounde.
In Douala, attempts to rally have been brutally dispersed by security forces. Police violence took place in Yaounde. No crowd movement is observed. "What we feared has not occurred. The policemen who took to the streets in anticipation of protests come away empty handed. "
Diplomatic missions had also opted for caution on this occasion. The Swiss embassy has asked its nationals "restrict their movements." Other embassies have sent messages urging caution. Observers have also seen the rise of dangers: the risk that social unrest escalates, will "depend on the political skill of those in power," said Mr. Nguini Owona. "If power is shown not only clumsy but also chilly (use of coercive measures), it is possible that the burning is more favorable," he said had.
All's well that ends well. Although some injuries were observed, There was no loss of life. But why these movements programmed Have not prospered? Some speak of monumental flop. Indeed, the context of the riots has changed. According bendskineur, "I can not associate myself with these stories. Although still expensive, the fuel has not experienced a rise since 2008, the road checks are finished. Why walk? I do not do politics. "
So there was as a lack of motivation of the population that refuses to be massacred for political stories, while the ratio force is not on his side. Moreover, says one observer, "since people know or understand that the regime clings to power by all means, they opted for survival, while resisting him passive and silent. Elecam case. Despite all the seductions, nobody is going to register ".
But this is only a postponement, saying the activists who have changed strategy "next time". expected ...

Movements Street

1/ les activistes
Depuis deux ans, à l’instigation de l’honorable Jean Michel Nintcheu, une semaine des martyrs est organisée à Douala le 23 février. Il s’agit de meetings à l’honneur de tous ceux qui ont été victimes des exactions des forces de l’ordre lors des manifestations à caractère politique.
Cette année, cet anniversaire a coïncidé avec les événements de l’Afrique du nord, ou l’on a vu deux ou trois dictateurs prendre la poudre d’escampette devant la colère de la rue. D’autres leaders ou activistes en ont donc profité pour lancer l’appel à manifester contre Paul Biya, little monitoring throughout the country. These include
of Mboua Massock that opponent and president of the nationalist New Dynamic (Nodyna), was called to enter "a revolution" against the regime of Paul Biya, Kah Walla, the candidate declared next presidential election was called on Cameroonians to put "all red" to say that Paul Biya "enough." "Too many rigged elections! Too many young unemployed! Too much hassle for resourceful! Too many broken promises outfits! " she said in her appeal.
In the Cameroonian capital, Abba Abubakar, the President of the United People's Revolution Cameroon (Rcpu), an opposition party, was arrested along with a dozen politicians and civil society.
Among these players, there is one that is considered the most dangerous thing to say Jean Michel Nintcheu. He has experience. For 20 years he was in the line of political demands. He has the voice now an MP, he can speak from the tribune official has troops: his party, the SDF has political activists incurred. It has already developed arguments at an oral question in the National Assembly: "February 14, 1998, over 250 people (official figure) were killed in what was called the disaster Nsam, a district of Yaounde. That day, two full tanks of fuel are parts of a railroad train. The people thought they could take advantage of the accident by sourcing free fuel that escaped and was caught in a raging fire. The victims of this fire were compensated when they were stealing fuel. Why power he ignores all those who died by saying no to the constitution, or in case of riots, claiming jobs " ?
This fight he wore in the street, while suggesting his comrades to create a support fund for victims of police brutality.

2/The troop
February 22, the eve of scheduled events for the week of the martyrs, the phone rings Nintcheu Hon. This is a senior Yaounde who informed that the government will make an announcement on the victims of abuses by security forces, which will be compensated by the state. Sunday, February 27, the eve of the anniversary of riots, journalists and opinion leaders receive a message on their phone: "President Biya will address the nation on February 28 to 20h. "
power has never spent so many means of communication to manipulate people. In one case as in the other, he was defusing the bomb in social development. At Mincom, even the village idiot was left to mumble his mediocrity, speaking of the President of the Republic : "when this man has 92 years, this country will be a great country." For his part, Jean-Baptiste Bokam, Secretary of State in charge of the gendarmerie echoed the panic of power "intelligence gathering occupies a central place. You need to trace the perpetrators of these calls to sedition. You also need to infiltrate their target groups to identify their intentions and prevent their actions. "
It is therefore clear. The power was shaken to its foundations. The mobilization of security forces to contain the rioters alleged speaks volumes. According to our sources, the special forces of the Bir had been recorded if the conventional forces of law and order would be overwhelmed ...
© The Messenger

How To Masterbate Vidios

SOS MADAGASCAR: Malagasy people victim of political terrorism of France

SOS MADAGASCAR: Malagasy people victim of political terrorism of France

This Saturday (19/02/11), defying fears of bloody repression and criminal Rajoelina coup, hundreds of thousands of Malagasy are from all over the island to welcome the democratically elected President Marc Ravalomanana.

However, threats from the illegal regime NDT and weighing on any airline that would take the risk of transporting himself, his family and his staff have prevented the President to join his own country.

The presence of this human tide Saturday proves the undeniable legitimacy of the elected President Marc Ravalomanana. In fact, for two years, the population has never ceased to proclaim his return. It is the only guarantee for us a lasting peace for the country.

The international community has witnessed a direct violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 13 stipulates that "everyone has the right to move freely and choose his residence within a State. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return his country. "

Yet France is trying by all means to sabotage the output crisis.

We condemn

1. The forcing of France to impose any cost to the Malagasy side agreements intended to maintain the coup Rajoelina power and prevent the return of elected President Marc Ravalomanana

2.The attitude of France to bribe members ICG,

3. use by France bodies Françafrique satellites such as the OIF or the IOC to impose its policy.


Because consensual and inclusive can only be guaranteed when the main question, and one person elected can legitimately represent the people are prevented, we urge the international community to assume its responsibilities by refusing to participate in the continuation of the crisis as the President-elect should not exercise their fundamental rights.

We particularly caution France and his accomplices (national and international) to act against the will of the people. France must immediately cease to consider Madagascar as a colony.

We ask the UN member states to take a stand.

We require:
· Suspension negotiations as the elected President Marc Ravalomanana can not enter and participate as a leader of movement and the first question.

· The exclusion of France in the process of crisis

Finally, the international community should not be an accomplice France and the plan illegal, criminal and totalitarian source of much unhappiness for Malagasy.

TWG INTERNATIONAL GENEVA - Collective the Diaspora


Monday, February 28, 2011

Names For Halloween Tombstones

French support for dictatorships finally change?!

Following the announcement by the President of the Republic of new line of foreign policy of France, the association Lifeline welcomes the first concrete steps that should announce the new ministers to cut any French support for African dictators.

Following the announcement on Sunday evening February 27, 2011 by Nicolas Sarkozy that "we should have one goal: to accompany, support, help the people who chose to be free "and that" we must do everything possible to hope that is born does not die ", the new executive has decided to anticipate people's movements across its old "pre-square". Just hours before the official announcement tonight that should be the new ministers of defense and foreign affairs, the association Survival was relieved to learn that France wanted to finally act decisively against allied regimes do not give sufficient guarantees democratic.
Among the measures to be announced in the evening, Survival welcomes in particular:

self-proclaimed president installed Mahamasina

  • recall in France hundreds of volunteer Military and police officers present in Cameroon, Gabon, Togo, Morocco, Djibouti, MADAGASCAR , Burkina Faso, Chad, Central Africa, Mauritania, etc.;.
  • final closure and full French military bases in Gabon, Senegal, Chad (Operation Sparrowhawk), Djibouti and Abu Dhabi
  • the freezing of financial assets and seizing ill-gotten gains of all dictators on French territory, including the mansion recently purchased by the Gabonese State University street in Paris;
  • suspension of bilateral budget support to Cameroon and Chad if Paul Biya and Idriss Deby did not give up stand for elections expected this year;
  • a public audit services Bercy on investment by multinational French-owned located in states where human rights are not respected;
  • the cancellation of the recent decree awarding the Legion of Honor to Jean-Dominique Okemba, pillar of the regime of Sassou Nguesso and the appointment posthumously opponents Bruno Ossebi Congolese and Chadian Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh and President of the Central African League for Human Rights, Goungaye.
Certainly, if the information transmitted informally to the association Survie are confirmed, this could cause the fall of Areva shares Total and the CAC 40, even if the price to pay for a responsible foreign policy. However, if they are ultimately not officially announced by the government, it will show once again that Nicolas Sarkozy is fine statements, but does not change anything in the French criminal policy of support for dictatorships in Africa.

Press Contact: Stephanie Dubois of Prisque - Communications stephanie.duboisdeprisque (a) survie.org
01 44 61 25 March


Vital Signs For Head Injury

The dictatorship of double standards

Palestinian Israeli Conflict: indignant us

Some people know, without doubt Gaddafi, political despots. But do we know the Gaddafi, the despots in philosophy?
One who has never made any secret of his commitment to Zionism, has outraged public "... A pamphlet which has been a runaway success, which has sold nearly one million copies.

They are: "Unworthy you! . Book written by Stéphane Hessel, who survived the death camps, former resistance Nazism and current resistant to barbarism Zionist Jew and former diplomat.

A Jewish former resistance to Nazism, a survivor of the death camps where he has left several parents for daring, objectively and with forces supporting evidence, criticizing Israel for its crimes against humanity, see such Critical [tax] by Zionist lobbies the French "anti-Semitism", the "denial" of "revisionism" and "senile." What would happen if this critic was not Jewish?

Roger Garaudy, a French intellectual, former resistance, who had a record of dozens of bestselling books in the mid-90s when he wrote: "The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics," found no publisher to publish it in France. He still has self-published author. The booksellers of France and Navarre refused to display in their windows and offering it for sale to their customers.

A hateful campaign was waged against him. Abbe Pierre, who had drafted a tentative attempt to defend his "old friend of 40 years", had been, in turn, delivered by media Zionist rule in a media lynching.

Later, in a country that continues to gargle its secularism, its separation of powers, the French legislature, under the influence of Zionist lobbies themselves, broke into the field of history to give birth a law condemning any review of history. Thereby forgetting that the "Holocaust", the "Armenian genocide ...», fall within the area restricted to historians.

Now is it not yet come to indignation against the dictatorship of double standards? A Justice that: "Truth side of the Pyrenees and lies beyond? ".

How Many Calories Does A Sauna Suit Burn

Hamma Hammami: "We defeated the dictator, not dictatorship"

Article PWB

Imprisoned several times under the dictatorship of Ben Ali for his opposition, Hamma Hammami, spokesperson of the Communist Party of Tunisian Workers (PCOT), is today one of the most prominent figures the Tunisian revolution. We met in Tunis.

Baudouin Deckers

revolutions and major events in the Arab world are a breath of optimism in the world. It means for you, this movement that started in your country?

Hamma Hammami. It is a great revolution, whether in Arab countries or other countries our region. Other people can learn some lessons from this revolution.

First, the Tunisian people made the revolution, building on its strengths. In many Arab countries, people claimed that they could not make a revolution against dictatorships like that of Ben Ali without the support of France, U.S. or other foreign forces. Our people have shown that relying on its own strength, you may file a dictator like Ben Ali, a very huge security apparatus.

Then the Tunisian people made the revolution in an almost total unity. For over a month, we have not heard a single word religious, which could divide the Tunisian people. The Tunisian people have united around its democratic, economic and social.

For you, this revolution is not over. Why?

Hamma Hammami. The revolution is still ongoing. It has not really achieved its goals and democratic society. She defeated a dictator, but it has not defeated the dictatorship. The political police, the main pillar of the dictatorship, is still there and still very active indeed. The parliament is still there. It a puppet parliament because he needed the agreement of Ben Ali to be able to sit. The acting president is a member of Ben Ali's party, very close to him. The government is still led by Prime Minister Ben Ali, Mohammed Ghannouchi and his ministers are from the same family. The officials are corrupt, still hold their positions. The Constitution has made possible the dictatorship, it is still unchanged. The dictatorship has passed innumerable laws anti-democratic and anti-social to protect themselves and they are all still in force. In the hands of government, all these laws and institutions can again be used against the people. The scheme Ben Ali is still in place yet.

That is why the popular movement continues, despite the promises of the government. It requires the dissolution of the current government. He refused government "revised" as the one we have now. The former ruling party, the RCD (Democratic Constitutional Rally, which was until 18 January a member of the Socialist International, Ed), must be truly dissolved.
No, we can not say that the revolution is complete. She has not defeated the reactionary forces. They are still there, but weakened. We must continue this revolution with great determination, but also with great tactical sense to preserve the unity of the Tunisian people and do not fall into the divisions that could impact very negatively on the progress of this revolution, the peoples of the Arab world look with much hope.

Some present revolution in Tunisia as a spontaneous event ...

Hamma Hammami. Wrong. They say to discredit and deny, in recent years, the role of revolutionary and progressive forces in opposition. It's also a way to say it must seek a way out of this revolution with the former ruling party, that mainstream politicians are forced to take over the leadership of a movement that does not. This movement was spontaneous to the extent that it was not organized at national level. He had not a single leadership, a common program. But that does not mean lack of awareness and lack of organization.

consciousness exists, because the actors of this movement are primarily leftists, liberals, trade unionists, human rights activists. They are young unemployed graduates who belong to the student movement. Our party is here, our forces are present. The Islamists, by cons, have not really participated. That is why, in this revolution, there is no word of a religious order. While politically, the Islamists have supported the movement.

At the organizational level, the activists quickly organized into committees. On the first day of this revolution, there were some villages in a vacuum of real power. Together with the Democrats, then we have called for people to organize. What they have done in the villages and regions, sometimes in meetings, which are called " popular assemblies "or" assembled to safeguard the revolution ", sometimes in committees or leagues, it depends. Here in Tunis, people have organized themselves into people's committees or neighborhood committees. They chose their leaders from among the militants most active during the revolution. The structure is still weak and underdeveloped. There is still no real national centralization. But gradually, these committees were transformed into committees to discuss the situation and the future, and what people can do.

The Front was formed on January 14 a few weeks ago. Who do we find? What is his program or that he claims?

Hamma Hammami. At the political level, the left has managed to gather in a front called the "Front of the January 14" in reference to the day of the flight of Ben Ali. The left has an undeniable weight in our country. Whether in political or trade union at the youth or the women's movement at the level of human rights or cultural movement. This front has gathered around slogans and popular demands. There is therefore the claim for dissolution of government, the dissolution of the ruling party. The Front also claims the formation of a provisional government formed by elements that have nothing to do with the regime of Ben Ali's party dictatorship. This interim government would have the essential task of preparing elections for a Constituent Assembly. It is this which will draft the constitution, the institutions, the fundamental laws of the Democratic People's Republic aspired to the Tunisian people.

We are also united around a platform of economic and social, because we believe that the dictatorship was linked to economic and social base, a comprador bourgeoisie (middle class drawing its fortune to its links with foreign multinationals, Editor's note) who plunders Tunisia in collaboration with companies and French, Italian, English, Portuguese, Belgian. We not only political democracy but also a social democracy, because we believe that the current revolution is a national democratic revolution, a popular revolution that fundamental changes must prepare for any Tunisian society in the future.

Front January 14 held Saturday, February 12 its first major public meeting at the Palais des Congrès Tunis. With great success, which far exceeded our expectations. Mobilization has been barely three to four days. More than 8000 people gathered, many were unable to enter. Unheard of.

On 11 February, a committee was formed much larger.

Hamma Hammami. Yes, a meeting at the National Bar Council brought together representatives of 28 organizations. Almost all the opposition to Ben Ali, but two parties entered the government Ghannouchi. Apart from the 10 organizations of the Front of January 14, he is the sole trade union confederation UGTT Ennadha Islamist party, the Association of Lawyers, Writers, Journalists, the Union of Tunisian Students and others. All agree on proposals for the establishment of a "National Council for the Protection of the Revolution." The platform does not go as far as the Front of January 14, since it does not require the dissolution of this government. Some forces like UGTT agreed that government. But the 28 signatories demanding that the "National Council" has power to take decisions on all laws and measures in preparation for new elections to ensure they are truly democratic and will take place in total freedom. They claim the right to monitor all government decisions and the duty submit for approval to the National Council of all appointments to high office. The signatories call people from all regions and localities to form Committees for the Protection of the Revolution and the UGTT puts all its facilities available to them. These committees will be represented in the National Council.

You gather there different classes and strata of the population who were and are opposed to dictatorship. This corresponds to the character of this revolution, you call national and democratic, why?

Hamma Hammami. Since Hannibal (general of Carthage, ancestor Tunisia, in Antiquity, ed), this country has never known democracy. Neither farmers or small traders or artisans or small farmers or professors or instructors. All these people aspire to democracy, above all, together with the workers. We must be conscious.

We try to unite people around a single task: to end the dictatorship. We try to avoid any divergence from the popular forces, which could be exploited by the reaction. We agreed with Islamists and with other forces to preserve the unity of the Tunisian people and not fall in partisan struggles.

But this revolution is also nationally. People realize that the elite is corrupt bourgeois comprador nature, plundering our country for the benefit of foreign companies. They seek to produce cheaply to export these products to their markets, not to satisfy the needs of the Tunisian society. The interference of European powers and the U.S. comes from others what they want at all costs protect their multinationals. We need a plan of industrialization based on the needs of our people. That's what people want. Front of 14 January claims the construction of a national economy for the people where the vital and strategic areas are under state supervision. You are

spokesman of a communist party. What a socialist perspective in Tunisia?

Hamma Hammami. A socialist revolution is not on the agenda today. Yes, as Marxists we believe that ultimately it will move to socialism. It will be necessary to avoid being caught in the web of global capitalism which is held by large U.S. multinational companies and others. This is also the only way to end exploitation of man by man. But this way of thinking is not shared widely at all here. We can not walk too fast.

must take account of political power relations. The working class is behind the plane of consciousness and organization. The communist movement is still quite low in our country, although much progress. The other classes are quite present through the liberal camp, the Islamist camp ... So do not make mistakes.

Through this revolution, the first steps of socialism can nevertheless be established at the economic level. Thus, we are for the nationalization of large enterprises for the benefit of workers. As stated above, this is required already have a point of view of recovery of our independence. We're not going to nationalize it benefits a state bourgeoisie (a class which would be enriched to head the new State, editor's note). The working class must be able to run these enterprises in a democratic manner.

But this does not apply to all sectors of the economy. We frighten small traders, artisans, small businessmen of the many workshops that our country possesses, we go up against the revolution.

And mostly, we think of the peasants. The peasants here are very diverse. It is not organized and she accuses usually a very long delay at the level of consciousness. Some regions are more advanced, where there are farm workers, who have sometimes become poor farmers. They have received plots of land, but does not work for lack of means. These people see themselves collectivization as a positive outcome. But there are also regions where farmers have been demanding for decades the land of big capitalists have them confiscated, but they work nonetheless. Speaking of collectivization, that their recall any on the plunder of their land during the 60s. We believe we can move gradually diversified to socialism, while maintaining the largest unit of the people and to the extent that his experience leads him to see the usefulness and necessity. There is no blueprint. But there is one goal, socialism.

Examples Of Card Stacking

The truth about the situation of ambassadors and diplomats of the targets hat

the sake of sanitation, it is time to restore the truth and to lift the veil about the status reserved for ambassadors and diplomats targeted by the HAT and who remained faithful to the law.

In fact, just read the expected, the reasons and provisions of the Judgement of the State Council dated December 15, 2010 to be convinced not be appealed and the case of the that since this decision came as a last resort and is binding on everyone, including of course and especially the government of the HAT.

First, recall that several ambassadors, appointed by President Ravalomanana and accredited to various countries and international organizations, had been on the part of the HAT, the alleged abrogation of their decrees respective Decree of appointment. Some other diplomats have similarly been, from the Foreign Minister of the HAT, orders to repeal their respective order of appointment. These decisions were immediately followed by the elimination of salaries involved. Since then, they are maintained by the HAT in an intolerable situation abroad.

accordance with the administrative proceeding in the matter, ambassadors and diplomats who are victims of these decisions have each filed an appeal prior to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, before the latter's refusal to grant at their request, seized the State Council. Their applications, based on the concept of abuse of power and will to harm, cancellation decisions were repealed, the restoration of their statutory powers and their wages, and damages.

However, as the Council of State makes clear in its ruling of December 15, 2010, in its defense recognizes that the HAT "Decisions have been taken by the Government to report acts present quarrel, it is no longer necessary to rule as they are now regarded as never having existed" ( cf. Case on page 4, paragraph 8), noting also that "from referral to annul his acts, the government, acknowledging its mistakes, has reported its decisions" (see above, page 5, paragraph 1).

It is also recalled, as is also the Council of State, as his previous stop before the law say May 13, 2010, noting the very serious nature of complaints by ambassadors and diplomats concerned, the Council of State had been brought to order "suspension execution of these decrees and quarreled " (see above, page 8, paragraph 6).

is therefore quite logical that its ruling of December 15, 2010 the State Council , "Whereas the High Authority of the transition took decisions related acts: decrees and quarreled now ... they are now regarded as n who has never existed " and "Whereas in these circumstances it is appropriate to declare the place not to approve the above requests are moot" (see above, page 9, paragraph 4 and 5), statue and reads: "Article 3: It is no longer necessary to approve the above requests," and "Article 4: The costs shall be borne by the Malagasy State.

That is clear and unambiguous. There is no rejection of requests from interested parties on the contrary, they are comforted in their respective positions. And it should be noted, moreover, that logically the state is in effect pay the costs!

For cons, the legal consequences of law, that is mandatory, resulting from that decision, which are at least three orders, must immediately find concrete applications:
1. neither the President nor the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the HAT were constitutionally or legally authorized to replace the President of the Republic or the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the latter to take their place in the impugned decisions;

2. by annulling the decrees and orders of repeal quarreled and renouncing to implement them effectively, legally binds the HAT, voluntarily and compulsorily to reinstate ambassadors and diplomats involved not only in the fullness of their statutory powers and their salaries, but is obliged to take all steps necessary so that they are restored the situation before the repeal of decrees and orders that no longer exist;

3. according to the principle of parallelism and in accordance with the provisions of the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations and diplomatic practice, since the HAT has knowingly misled the international community in consistently informing the foreign embassies about the supposed end of the mission and return to the alleged ("dismissal ") ambassadors and diplomats concerned, it now undertakes itself to inform the same chancery that in pursuance of the decision of the State Council dated December 15, 2010 they remain at their respective positions.

It is time for the NDT, which claims to return to the path of law, not to say the right path, proves spontaneously without being constrained at less about this affair, taking adequate measures and comply, because it must avoid appearing once again, like playing with people's lives.


http://www.tim-madagascar.org /

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Good Songs To Run Out To

My turn of the century alone


Wednesday, May 3, 1989

With" My turn of the century alone "(1), Roger Garaudy has given us ... a very autobiography that inspired parade, from Stalin to Gaddafi, Bachelard Sartre, de Castro Rafsanjani, Iranian Parliament Speaker, personalities of all sizes known and least-known. Garaudy, Christian, Marxist and Muslim, some see a weather vane. The philosopher, for his part, believes his "conversion" as "the steps of deconditioning" In this sense, his life is "a long walk from many to one part of the universal."

Garaudy was in Brussels these days. We asked him how he came to write his memoirs ...
- I always told myself that I did not write it. And then pressed me so many sides ... I let myself take the game of course, there was no question of multiplying the anecdotes: I'd come to blacken three thousand pages! I had to make a severe selection in my memories, rediscover the thread of my life, identify the events that made sense to me to reveal myself as a participant in a divine plan: the discovery of a secret maternal love, meeting my first wife, the direct experience of death at twenty-eight years, the exclusion of the party, etc.. I saw a lot of people, I had many friends, Picasso, Dom Helder Camara. Some meetings were made under the sign of the angel, as if the caller told me: "I am your eternity."

- Can you say with Sartre - that you have known - that you don 't have any regrets?
- No, I regret nothing. I have not had an exemplary life. But each of my mistakes was a lesson. If anyone is perfect in this world, he cast the first stone! What is important is that I believe have remained faithful to the dream of my twenty years was to unite and Prometheus Abraham, Kierkegaard, and Karl Marx. Today, the tower Calhorra Cordova, who was once a center of influence of culture, I try to build a bridge between East and West. I remain faithful to the vocation of my life, that of Jean-Christophe by Romain Rolland, "Charrier, like an artery, all the life forces from one to the other side. "

The Bible and Capital
- Think your adherence to Islam is a logical?
- I told a Saudi journalist that I came to Islam with the Bible under one arm, and Capital, Marx, on the other, determined to abandon any of them. Islam is for me to deepen and fulfillment. This is not a new religion. Mohammed admits: "I am not an innovator among the prophets." For a Muslim faithful, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, bring the same message of submission to God. I do not see anything that reflects my faith forever. Christianity does not give me an effective way to transform society. Marx, I have not found a metaphysical but a project based on an analysis of the contradictions of capitalist society, to achieve this transformation. Islam gives me the community spirit: he says that only God has the knowledge that only God has control and ...

- What do you think the contradictions of neo-capitalism?
- Since Hiroshima, it has an arsenal of bombs capable of destroying 75 billion human beings: a contradiction in technical progress! The Commission voted a credit of one hundred billion crowns to expand cold storage of meat and butter from Europe. During that time, millions of people die of malnutrition. Five times more than during the Second World War: a contradiction in economic management! On TV might be a great educational tool, the release of films glorifying violence, the law of the jungle. It pollutes the minds of children by not showing them the ugliness: a contradiction in communication!

- The Satanic Verses?
- Mediocre and boring!
- A boat question: what feelings you feel about the Rushdie affair?
- I think first we have great wrong to use statements of Khomeini in condemning all Islam, and create an atmosphere of a crusade, just as hypocritically, for financial reasons, it took up due to the princes of Saud and the Gulf princes of black gold. The imam cited a tradition contrary to the Koran, not according to Revelation, a tradition based on the law of Leviticus, calling for Rushdie's assassination. It's in the Torah we read that "the blasphemer is punished by death." In the Gospel it is written God curses the blasphemers in this world and in the other, implying that the decision belongs to God alone. The Qur'an has repeated the formula. On Satanic Verses, I will tell you one thing: a book mediocre and boring, manufactured through a method obsolete, borrowed from Joyce and Faulkner, and totally ignores the message of Islam, dimension of the man he reveals. Fanaticism today is to insult the publishers refuse to publish. What do we want? Of anti-Muslim pogroms? Bagatelle pour un massacre, Céline, who defamed the Jews, is prohibited. We do not complain.

Interview by MG (extracts)

(1) Roger Garaudy, My turn of the century alone Robert Laffont

Watery Stool In 2 Month Old

The disinformation campaign the HAT is pschitt ...

by Bill Razily

"Ravalomanana's right. This roadmap is not proposed by SADC. This community is only tags and instructions. The work of the mediation team is to seek practical formula to implement and it is for political forces to express their views on the document. A Following our work, we present the final product SADC and SADC is to judge whether the final product meets the tags and instructions that has data. " essentially declared Dr. Simao when he arrived at Ivato while stating that" the revised road map is not final ".

Thus, Dr. Simao has ended the disinformation campaign the HAT pretending to opinion, for weeks, as the road map proposed by the team Chissano is the roadmap of the SADC (1). The last week of propaganda HAT before the arrival of Dr. Leonardo Simao, will for naught: media coverage and interpretation of visits by President of the Comoros and the French Minister of Cooperation as a beginning of international recognition, speech very ambiguous (only the French diplomacy has the secret) by Henri de Raincourt about the roadmap, and to top it off press release just before the start of Ravalomanana Roadmap amended by Chissano and presented as soon as the definitive roadmap of the SADC ... but did not count on the strong mobilization of supporters of three mobilities Saturday, February 19.

  • What about the roadmap
The roadmap proposed by the mediation team is in its current version, a working document, subject to several revisions as and proposals of the various protagonists to know before a final version. It is this final version to be presented to decision-making bodies such as the troika, the SADC, AU and finally the International Contact Group that the final authority on the basis of certain criteria as of consensus, inclusiveness and transparency. What is important above all is that mediation has no decision making authority and that the current version of this roadmap is far from fulfilling the conditions set by SADC.

  • Ivato, February 19 beautiful ...
Asked by a reporter who asked him if he would consider the event last Saturday, Dr Simao reply that "it is a reality that must be taken into account. We must reflect the reality on the ground " (2). He has disowned Jean-Eric Rakotoarisoa which declared that the demonstration on Saturday was not decisive in the current process. It's still a pity he had to SADC representatives on a day like this February 19 beautiful (to borrow a phrase Pitch Ball) for suddenly discover the true popularity of Ravalomanana. The fact that these emissaries, when they arrive in a country descended into 4 star hotels, perhaps they are losing the sense of reality. If at least knew that Dr. Simao Ravalomanana was probably the only president to serve "menakely" to his guests, he better understood the reasons for the attachment of the Malagasy people to "Prezida vita malagasy.

Razily Bill, Glasgow, February 23, 2011

( 1) The roadmap proposed by the Mediation gives the future transitional president the power to appoint a "last resort" for members of different institutions and let the next elected government the power to decide when to return to Ravalomanana.

(2) According always the roadmap, Ravalomanana will not participate in the presidential election while allowing Rajoelina to attend.

http://www.facebook.com/notes/bill-razily/la-campagne-de-d% C3% A9sinformation- de-la-hat-fait-pschitt/156497734404201

Miosotis And Melena Velba

Following the meeting of President Ravalomanana with President Chissano

The Mediator of SADC, His Excellency Joacquim Alberto Chissano, former President of the Republic of Mozambique, as part of efforts to find a solution to the crisis in Madagascar, met His Excellency Marc Ravalomanana , leader of Ravalomanana in Sandton, South Africa, February 26, 2011.
This meeting follows one held in Maputo, Mozambique, 22 February 2011, the Ombudsman between SADC and the leader of Ravalomanana.

Attached to the joint communiqué of the Presidents (PDF):

Vakio eto

Read here



Is Thereflu Going Around Phoenix Az

The Quest of the Sacred in human

The Quest of the Sacred in Human Mi ' Mi'kmaq (First Nations) in Canada

" Beyond our religious or spiritual beliefs, every nation has a spiritual wealth he has to share with others. Nobody can claim to have God for him as he would have a wallet in his pocket. The quest for the sacred is a quest that haunts all peoples of the world. "The
Mi'kmaq is one of 630 groups of indigenous (First Nations) in Canada. They are found particularly in the Province of Nova Scotia. Located about twenty minutes drive from the town of Antigonish, the Mi'kmaq community Paqtnkek was the perfect place for my colleagues and me to experience the cultural and spiritual wealth of the people.
Everything happens in the evening of December 3, 2010, patron of the university that welcomes us in St Francis Xavier University. Day memorable to me personally because it reminds me of my days at boarding Breakfast Seminar St Francis Xavier, in the Mayombe. As during my school years in the Minor Seminary, St. Francis Xavier University offers a special dinner this evening. The sets of Morrison Hall, which serves restaurants for students, have a special ceremonial although tinged with festive colors to celebrate St. Francis Xavier. At the end of the course at 16:30, we can see that the atmosphere is really festive: the outfits that pass before my eyes are those of every day. All students, teachers and workers, are of unparalleled elegance. It's really the party. Exceptionally, it can be seen from outside the Hall a few bottles of wine and champagne on the tables.
It is, however, in this atmosphere that my colleagues, and Dulles wire from Guatemala to Tanzania, and I will receive instructions from David, one of our teachers, who will accompany us to our rendezvous prayer Paqtnkek and healing. Among these instructions, we are asked not to eat or rather to eat only very slightly, but especially not to drink alcohol. We are also advised that we will need a special dress to enter the box where will be held the ceremony a panty or a towel body because you can access it topless. In addition to holding, we also provide ourselves with a bottle of water to drink because the experience could leave us dehydrated.
is accurate to 19 hours we share the university, just as our colleagues begin the festivities. For some colleagues, who saw already in this ceremony, prayer and healing, a sort of entry into the occult and who did not hesitate to put me personally in custody, my decision to leave the party for a 'story' pagan was like madness. But I learned from my high school years, to make choices that are not my own choices influenced by others. My motivation was to discover something else, different from what we know already.
After twenty minutes by car, we were instead of appointment. There was a group of four people around a bonfire where they heated large stones. Beside the fire stood a small cabin in a circle, measuring approximately two meters diameter. Apart from the small entrance (we could not enter that kneeling), no other port could be seen around the lodge.
A very friendly and brotherly welcome was reserved for us. After the presentations, everyone immediately wanted to know where it came from, knowing something about our cultures. It was cold, a little less than 0 degrees Celsius, it was winter. We could not get away from the fire. The conversation around the fire so reminded me these unforgettable moments in my home village, in the small forests of Mayombe, or fire was the place around which we we used to gather to share our life experiences, adults learn the founding myths of our traditions and socialize with others. A
thousands of kilometers, I could see the fire still play this role, this time between people of different backgrounds and races (white and black). I saw us recover a spiritual unity or communicative as I had used to see around the fire in my home Mayombe.
But the most crucial moment was reached, when all have entered the lodge each taking place around a small hole in the center where the stones should be placed well heated. I could count a score. A spiritual teacher carrying the stones one by one, fire to the lodge, with a peel. As soon as he had finished he went into the dressing room with a bucket full of water. Then the entrance was closed. And after a few words of introduction to explain the symbolism that would accompany the ceremony of prayer and healing, spiritual teacher threw water at the fire. Just imagine what could happen when the entire evaporation could find no way out! Heat penetrated the body and you could feel as if beside himself. There was this physical pain that could feel the pain of heat penetrating the body, but at the same time you could feel inside as a kind of relief that you raised to another level of transcendence, communion not only with what we can call God, but merely with the universe, people close to us, the living and the dead ... The refrain that we had been asked to repeat when we wanted was "To All My Relations '(all mine!).
From the outset the symbolism of stones has been explained. The stone is Witness unchallenged for generations and generations since the creation of mankind. They have seen people be born, grow and die. They are witnesses of all human history, generations were born, grew, but they they are there, unchanged. They thus reveal the presence of those parties, ancestors, or are absent but also those who are with us.
So in the presence of humanity present and absent as the ceremony of prayer and healing happens. Aside from the refrain that we recited so intermittent, each participant was asked to pray in his own way, according to his faith. No formula was imposed. At various intervals, it opens the door to let in some fresh air. What a relief! There is no word to describe such a feeling of inner peace when this happens.
In sum, this is the first time I had an experience as mystical in a sense, a strong physical and spiritual experience and exceptional. My colleague Wire, Guatemala, told me a few days later he was released actually healed of back pain he suffered for years. This experience convinced me that beyond our religious or spiritual beliefs, every nation has a spiritual wealth he has to share with others. I am convinced today that there is nobody - to paraphrase the French philosopher Roger Garaudy - who can claim to have God for him as he would have a wallet in his pocket. The quest for the sacred is a quest that haunts all peoples of the world.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Building Tolerance To Cat Allergies

Mi'kmaq Culture and Globalization

So much has been hoped that the revolution communications technologies can bring an end to rivalries between peoples (mainly due to ignorance of each other), bridging cultures and revive those who were endangered ... This was technically possible, but several factors have prevented this process: The Southern can not keep pace with this development (and therefore they can not enjoy it) because their social, economic and political are far from solved ...
In these circumstances, the globalization tends to standardize cultures or rather to Americanize the world. Thus, people in countries south were left with a stream of information that challenges their cultures and promotes a lifestyle that often does not suit the level of development of their societies, their histories and their faith ... Given that several reactions may occur.
The most natural is the erasure of identity and the blind imitation of the other which is quite understandable because, according to Ibn Khaldun:
"The reason is that the soul always sees perfection in the individual who occupies the top row and to which it is subject. It is considered as perfect, either because it falsely assumes that its own subordination is not a natural consequence of defeat, but results from the perfection of the victor. "
The second reaction is more" defensive "would be a withdrawal to avoid any external influence.
Both reactions quoted reflect a lack of confidence and will lead both to disasters because they would create continuity of rivalries that led to the most destructive wars of mankind.
The solution by Roger Garaudy in:
"Making a profound cultural revolution that gives the culture its true mission: either send us the atheistic positivism and individualism to despair, but to raise awareness for and meaning of life and history. "
For this, we had everything before making a personal effort to become familiar with its own culture and its contribution to human civilization, know the culture others away from simplistic view, and finally assert their culture in light of the specific and commonalities it has with that of others.
I quote the words of Goethe: "Who knows himself and knows the others will also recognize this: The East and West are inextricably linked."
is highlighting the richness and complementarity of their cultures that humans could build a civilization in the context of respect for the planet, the environment and human dignity. This would bring the soul of a new life together full of hope and progress.


Sheikh Ibrahim, the Association of Ulema and the opening of Ijtihad

A huge portrait of Emir Abd el Kader in the house of Sheikh Mohamed Bachir Ibrahimi is the dominant image I have of the first meeting with the Sheikh in 1944, when, after my essay on CONTRIBUTION THE ARAB-ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION to universal culture, it I got home

I accompanied by Amar Ouzegane, future Minister of Agriculture of Algeria released, and with whom I had lived nearly three years in prison and concentration camp.
Abd el Kader was both a symbol and example of life, religious and militant, Sheikh Ibrahim. He showed us that day, continuation of the struggle since 1830, the Algerian people against the threat of depersonalization, loss of identity that was imposed on him for over a century, 'French colonialist invasion, and also the perversion of Islam by the marabout, who worked also with occupant.
degradation of Sufism by maraboutism professing both an escape from everyday life by a morbid obsession with the afterlife, and a false mysticism " puts perfection in the non-desire of life on earth "as Sheikh Ben Badis wrote, the Emir Abdelkader disciple of Ibn Arabi (the" Sheikh el Akbar "), was able to bind, as the highest Islamic tradition, faith and politics. The mystical moment was for him, that of "refocusing" on God. His action, as war leader and statesman, was the expression of his faith and spirituality to shape the world according to the "guidance" from God.
These are the two poles of life, religious and political severally.
Sheikh Ibrahim was with Sheikh Ben Badis, the successor to the renovation of Algeria, of the work of reform in Egypt by El-Afghani, Muhammad Abdu, Rashid Reda, who died in 1935. This work was both innovative in terms of religious, political and cultural.
Praising the interpretation of the Quran by Mohamed Abdou, Grand Sheikh of Al Azhar, Sheikh Ibrahim added: "Rachid Reda open to scholars towards Koranic exegete ... After him, the mastery of Koranic exegesis for the entire Muslim world, went to Abd al-Hamid Ben Badis the promoter of the intellectual renaissance Reform in Algeria, and even North Africa. "
Sheikh Ibrahim was with Sheikh Ben Badis, the soul of a true" cultural revolution "in Algeria, which made possible the liberation of the Algerian people in 1962, one hundred and thirty years of alienation, and regaining its Arab-Islamic identity to which its people have never stopped fighting the resistance of Abd el Kader the uprisings and El Sheikh Bouamama Mokrani, until the 1954 uprising to victory and liberation of 1962.
The task of the reformers was immense.
Sheikh Ibrahim recalls that in 1913 in Medina during his vigils Sheikh Ben Badis, which ended with the morning prayer, began to germinate the idea of " Association of Ulema, which should be born in 1931.
They refused both the ideas of Zia Gokalp, Turkey put into practice a few years later, Mustafa Kemal who, mistaking "modernization" with "Westernization" was losing its soul to Islam by a mechanical imitation of the West, and the blind conservatism of those who enter in the future backwards, did not read the Koran that with the eyes of the dead. The official program of the Zaytuna , until 1912, did not include only the comments of Al Quran Baydawi (d. 1316) and Galalayn (one of whom died in 1459, and the other, his disciple , 1505).
Whatever the respect that we can bring to these great scholars of the past, it is serious to believe that the creative thinking of Islam has stopped with them, and that the medieval tradition can provide an answer to the problems of our time. Especially as the "Statute" of the Zaytuna sanctified dogmatism. It specifically states: "No person shall engage in the discussion of principles that scientists have been passed from age to age, which are acquired science. "
Sheikh Ibrahim Sheikh Ben Badis and had to fight the twin scourges: the slavish imitation of the West, and slavish imitation of the past.
Sheikh Ibrahim wrote that the worst fault of those who adopt the culture West "is a total ignorance of the truths of Islam, and that the worst fault of those who claim to Islamic culture is a total ignorance of the problems and requirements of our century. "
In the Islamic perspective, when faith is inseparable from the laws of the community, that is to say about politics, the major problem was to discover how Islam could" modernize "without ceasing being himself, that is to say without imitating the West.
The solution advocated by Sheikh Ben Badis and Sheikh Ibrahim in the path opened by Egypt and Mohamed Abdou Rashid Reda, but in the specific conditions of Algeria, directly confronted colonialism, colonialism and military policy, but also spiritual colonialism was to find the creative dynamism of Islam morning, that of Revelation Koran and the Prophet's example.
It was necessary to achieve that goal, "stripping" of a matrix Millennium ritualism, legalism, narrow literalism, reading the Qur'an and Sunnah .
The company did in question the divine origin of the Koran, nor the grandeur of tradition: she found the otherwise the living source.
This "Ijtihad" is, in the words of Mohamed Iqbâ. "The principle of movement" which expresses the creative power of Islam and, as said Rashid Reda, a bold opening of the "Ijtihad", depends the future of the expansion of Islam .
It is true that, very early, in the first crisis of the Abbasid Empire, manifested a decline already expressed cautious with Hanbal, which marks the end of the first and rapid expansion of the Islam. It was even worse, three centuries later with the earthquakes of the Mongol invasion and the Crusades. It began to theorize, with El Mawerdi, from a Scholastic book-on the power of the Abbasid empire in decline
The great merit of El Afghani, Mohamed Abdou, Rachid Reda , Sheikh Ben Badis, Sheikh Ibrahim, was referred back, beyond the theological speculations, and glosses of legal wrangling accumulated over the centuries, until the living source: Revelation Koran and the example of Prophet, and to proceed as did the great jurists, who had worked to achieve, in new historical conditions, the objectives we assign the eternal divine word.
Act can not be petrified, so that life, it's mission is to shape it according to God's plan, which has made man his Caliph, is in perpetual metamorphosis.
In front of this revival of Rashid Reda, of Ben Badis, the Bachir Ibrahimi, the great Muhammad Iqbal wrote: "I find that the claim of the present generation of Muslim reformers to reinterpret the basic legal principles in light of their own experience and different editions of modern life, is perfectly justified. The Koran teaches that life is a process of continuous creation, which requires each generation, guided but not prevented by the work of his predecessors, has the must solve its own problems. "
Because they were not content to repeat, in their literal wording of the decisions taken in concrete historical situations, but have found the spirit and the divine guidance to achieve the same purpose in circumstances new historical novel, Sheikh Ben Badis in Constantine, Algiers Oqbi El Sheikh, Sheikh Ibrahim in Oran and Tlemcen, have educated a generation that would find that Islam living in the main force mobilization liberating the Algerian people.
Only in the light of Islam that the problem could be posed in full flight: the Algerian revolution could not have simply to replace the team colonialist power by Algerians who exercise that according to the same laws. It was to create a new community based on values radically different from those that were imposed last hundred thirty years by the occupant of specifically Islamic values.
This task required the transformation of men as well as the structural transformation. A false revolutionaries claiming to change everything, except themselves, the Qur'an reminds us "God does not change a people until it does change what is in him. "(XIII, II).
Because they were imbued with the Qur'anic truth, the men who created in 1931 with Sheikh Ibrahim and Sheikh Ben Badis, the Association of Ulema, put at the forefront of their program a huge education effort , both against the school depersonalization colonialist occupier who was trying to uproot the child of Algerian Arab-Islamic culture, against obscurantism marabout, if not, by his superstitions and his "intercession" in the spirit of Islam (and cared for this reason, the power colonialism), and against an outdated teaching of Islam that the mummified and sterilized by the mere repetition of the past.
The problem was to escape the trap of a double-blind integration to the Western model of growth and culture, or a total rejection of everything that was not the medieval tradition.
Merit reformers was to show that instead of opposing sterile science and religion, it was possible to achieve a critical and selective integration science and technology of the West, by requiring, as means the purpose of Islam.
The "Shari'a", this way of life dominated by the desire to accomplish God's plan, does not imply a repetition of the multiple rigid rules that have governed life beautifully Islamic community a millennium ago, but to the creative effort to shape today's societies, under conditions Historical radically new, which call for initiatives and new methods, as the eternal message of Islam. Thus helping to "remember God, and the deeper meaning of life and history, Islam can bring to a dying world, not through lack of means but no goal the sense of a community dedicated to the realization of God's plan.
The occupant was not mistaken about the importance of this work in depth in the month of March 1940, Sheikh Ibrahim was exiled under house arrest. In this situation he was elected to death Sheikh Ben Badis, president of the Association of Ulema. Released in early 1943, he created in one year, seventy-three Muslim schools in the towns and villages, and four cents in subsequent years. Arrested after the massacres perpetrated by the occupier in 1945, Sheikh Ibrahim resumed upon discharge, at its educational task.

Roger Garaudy
Excerpt from "Biography of the twentieth century" Tougui Editions, 1985.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Should I Take A Hot Bath Before Wax

Dogs, cats, rats eat without being washed or ..... INTERNATIONAL

voir l'image en taille réelle

voir l'image en taille réelle

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gas Powered Trolly Motor

The historical contribution of Arab civilization (1945-1946) The Complete