Monday, December 6, 2010

Rsvp Cards In Spanish

Cameroon: For a gift at the end of the reign of the famous dictator Paul Biya Cameroon

Cotisons all a gift Ends Reign Paul Biya

Cameroon itted and Camerounais,
Chers Compatriotes et Amis du Cameroun,

Conscients du pouvoir du Peuple d’expulser souverainement tout locataire indélicat de ses institutions, nous vous lançons, en ce décisif Décembre de 2010, un appel pour cotiser, chacune et chacun sans exception, de l’argent pour offrir au Président de la République Néocoloniale du Cameroun, Monsieur Paul Barthélemy Biya bi Mvondo, élite administrative du village de Mvomeka’a, un cadeau bien mérité.

Cotisons tous, sans exception, chacun selon ses moyens, pour offrir à ce roi camerounais un excellent Cadeau de fin de Règne a

Indeed, between the lessor, the Sovereign People, and his tenant, Paul Biya, it will not since the years because, not only that tenant has completely destroyed the property, fraud all decisions of the lessor to avoid vacate the property.

For this reason, driven by a painful compassion for Mr. Biya now reached a very advanced age, and therefore physically hit an inability to properly manage, and anxious to avoid him nightmares bodies of his closet in Cameroon that it is urgent to highlight the ashes of the fire he lit, Diaspora patriotic, Patriots and Friends of Cameroon are to prepare an appropriate gift for Biya to lead his resting place.

Because this special gift requires special equipment, including the cost of purchasing and maintenance of fireworks and firecrackers, the price of some rare ingredients like spice cake to the viper to make pyramids the recipient innocuous, caterers and maintenance of the singers of prayers, each of us has to open his purse and contribute to make this historic event a reality and liberating.

Cameroon Diaspora for Change (CAMDIAC), through its management committee of your donation, consisting of a banker, an accountant and an experienced manager all said here on it will honor a gift "do not seek another " using, in the integrity and transparency, each of your contributions to the exclusive purpose of the preparation and delivery of this gift to its recipient.

Cotisons all rush to the day when, together, we sing the last prayer: Good
Reign Ends, Paul Biya and Farewell to the neo-colonial tyranny

To Live and Prosper Cameroon.
This message is sponsored by CAMDIAC


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