-X Alphonse Ibn Arabi Lu Foundation to Roger Garaudy, the cultural center Torre de la Calahorra Cordoba
Averroes, 1126 -1198, Muslim
- Ibn Rushd Ibn Rushd ... ...
(...) medicine, astronomy, the sciences ... You always want me to explain what Aristotle said knowledge of earthly things. Do not you never ask the ultimate questions: ... Where we come from? Where are we going? Creation and, especially, the purpose and meaning of life and history?
- a disciple Master
today ... (...) Today, as always, our philosophy would be useless if it does not tie learned these three things that I taught to unite in my "Harmony of science and religion." A science based on experience and logic to discover the causes. A wisdom that reflect the goals of every scientific research so that it serves to make our life better. Revelation, that of our Qur'an. Because only through revelation that we know the ultimate ends of our lives and our history.
- a woman But for us women?
Women have the same ultimate ends as the men. The Koran does not distinguish between those men and women who seek God's Law and those who do not care. There is no hierarchy among the other humans ... But you men, you see women as plants that searches only for their fruit, procreation. And you make them separate servants. What are your traditions: they have nothing to do with Islam. "
- a student: But our kings ...
The Prophet taught us that it is more than holy war to tell the truth to an unjust ruler. The tyrant is the slave of men. He comes to his passions by his courtiers, his terrors because I'm afraid of its people.
- another student: But it is then the society better?
one where every woman, every child, every man receives all the resources to develop all the possibilities that God has given him.
- another: What able to establish?
It is not a theocracy, as in Christian Europe, a power of religious accomplices of tyrants: "God - the Koran says - has breathed into man of His Spirit." Let him live by every man!
- another: What are the conditions for such a society?
A company shall be free and pleasing to God when no one will act either by fear or the Prince of hell or desire for reward or a courtier of paradise. And when nobody will say this is mine.
- another: Master, another word
I'm tired of your questions: First, I am not "Master" God alone is Lord, and teaching the most frequent his Koran is to attempt to think for yourself. You hear, for yourself.
Maimonides, 1135-1204, the Jewish
In the synagogue before the Torah it says.
In what he said about the earth sciences, Aristotle is our master, but, beyond all these words are similar, in pretty much to conjecture. If for Ibn Rushd the Holy Book is not our Torah but the Qur'an, we agree, and the other one, on the transfer of reason and revelation: they are two manifestations of the same divine truth. There is a contradiction that when sticking to a literal reading of the Scriptures, forgetting their eternal significance. I gave in my "Guide for the Perplexed" the rules of this allegorical reading, and takes account of history. Our historical problems should be solved from the eternal principles : There is no contradiction between the absolute and history. These eternal principles, my experience as a lawyer taught me that they brought back four, you'll find in my "Commentary" of the Mishna, "our Jewish tradition:
1) The individual can not develop that in a healthy society, where the duties come before rights.
2) The goal of any society faithful to God is a growth of man and not wealth. The man grows when it develops in him the right in its fullness: a reason which is aware of its limitations and its assumptions. Such a result demonstrates the presence of God in man.
3) The reason is that human participation in divine reason, infinitely beyond us, and which is realized only by the host to Bible prophecy.
4) A new cycle of history begins only when a Prophet like Moses, down to the people to propose new laws.
Psalm of David: Why do these people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth do they raise against the LORD and against His anointed? Break their ties. Deliver us from bondage. "
Alfonso X, 1221-1284, Wise
I'm only a shadow of a king was once called Alfonso X The Sage, but the Pope and I deposited my own vassals in 1282. Perhaps my dreams were they too big for this century? And yet we were on the verge of a great awakening? I was lucky in my youth, being raised in Toledo, where Bishop Raymond, with his translators Christians and Jews, initiated me to the culture of Islam. I translated the Koran into Latin and the Talmud. You see what was the most glorious act of my reign: that of creating, Murcia, with the Muslim philosopher Muhammad Al Riqouti, the first school taught in the world where both Christians, Jews and Muslims. In Seville, I demanded that we teach in both languages in my time: the Arabic and Latin. Listen: One of my pages sings one of my songs: "O my Christ, which can accommodate the Christian, the Jew, the Moor, as long as their faith goes to God." In my statutes, as in my prayers, I Never forget that the unbelievers are the same blood and nature as we do. My lawyers can, with pride, you read my codes:
"As the synagogue is home where we glorify the name of the Lord, stand no Christian has the audacity to destroy nor to take anything or to take anything by force. " And against Muslims: "Let live the Moors among Christians keeping their faith, and did not insult ours." Yes, under my reign, through the efforts of the Elders of our three religions, our thirteenth century Spain could arouse Europe fully in a renaissance: one that could be done not against God but God.
Ibn Arabi 0.1165 to 1240, the Sufi
"This is forbidden! This is allowed! ", Say the lawyers. But ever: this is to invent it. You are responsible for yourself. Think for yourself! While the Qur'an we call on every page. To hear them, there would be between God and man, as reports from master to slave. Faith and philosophy begins where it ends up dry legalism!
The Quran says "God will stand the men he loves and who love" (v. 54), and also: "If you love God, God loves you" (III, 31). God is unity. The unity of love, the lover and the beloved. All love is longing for union. All love, he is conscious or not, is God's love. There is a natural love in which you try to think not only satisfy your own desire. But it makes you feel like you is not enough to yourself. Even in the union of the body where you want to find the ecstasy, you feel the nostalgia and the need that is not you. There spiritual love when you love the wish for love itself. You live so that you exceed: preferring to keep his joy, fullness of being. This love teaches you to sacrifice. There is a divine love, the highest: in everything you love Him who has created, and you love God for himself. without fear of punishment nor desire of reward. This love you bear to God is a reflection of the one he carried you.
You can identify yourself with Him, but act according to the goal he has revealed through His Messenger. The Prophet said, "When God loves you, He is the ear that you hear, the eye through which you see the step by which you advance, the hand with which you work. " God "breathed into man of His Spirit." Evidence of this presence of God in you, act of God ever created. The action is outside the faith. You make the invisible visible each time you overtake: artist, when you express the beauty that God loves, lover, when you see and serve God in the one you love, learned, when you discover new truths, Chief, when you created for each of the conditions to flourish.
See each be the act that created it and submit his whole life to the will of the Creator is what unites all people of faith. Every man is called by God. Do not despise those who, upon searching, believe the show is not in Him. Islam recognizes all the prophets as messengers of the same God. Learn to discover in each man the seed in him the desire of God, even if his belief is still confusing, and sometimes idolatrous, to direct it to the full light.
I wrote in a love poem (lute): "My heart has become capable of entering in all forms: pasture for gazelles and a convent for Christian shrine for pilgrims and idols of the Ka'ba; table book of the Torah and the Koran. My religion is love, whatever path that takes the caravan of love, this path is that of my faith. "