Entire speech late 2010's President Paul Biya in Cameroon
My dear compatriots,
The year 2010 which ended have not been in many ways, a year like no other for Cameroon. It was first marked by a memorable event: the celebration of fiftieth anniversary of the accession of our country's independence. She also saw the beginning of the implementation of our ten year strategy for growth and jobs, the first phase of our journey towards emergence. Finally, it showed that our country was able to play a significant role on the international stage.
If you like, look at things more closely.
The celebration of the fiftieth anniversary has given us the opportunity to assess progress since 1960. She drew particular attention to more clearly realize that we were undoubtedly become a nation and see that over the years, we managed to establish institutions with the main features of a democratic state: representative institutions, civil rights and liberties, access to education and healthcare, among others.
This retrospective review also enabled us to take stock of our shortcomings and what remains to be done to reach modernity. For many of us, especially young people, I believe that this exercise was beneficial, because it can only commit ourselves with determination to meet the new challenges that have been proposed. In this regard, the discussions begun about during the fiftieth anniversary of the International Conference in Yaounde will remain in our annals. AFRICA 21, which was a resounding success, will indeed have the opportunity to eminent personalities to look into the period after African independence, but also and especially to consider ways and means to enable our continent to occupy the place that should be hers in world affairs.
2010 was also a year of implementing our strategy for growth and employment. This initiation took place in a context still marked by the delayed impact of the economic crisis mondiale. C’est ainsi que le secteur primaire de notre économie, c’est-à-dire essentiellement notre agriculture, a connu dans l’ensemble une certaine atonie. Le secteur secondaire, principalement l’industrie, a manifesté une tendance au redressement mais a souffert d’un déficit évident d’énergie. C’est le secteur tertiaire, autrement dit les services, qui s’est montré le plus dynamique, particulièrement le commerce, les télécommunications et les transports.
Ce ralentissement relatif de l’activité économique nationale, à l’image de l’économie mondiale, pays émergents exceptés, n’a pas été consequences for the balance of our public finances, which recorded a drop in revenue due to a slowdown of the product of taxes and customs duties, while at the same time government spending were increasing. Under these conditions, we had no choice but to make spending cuts that will apply primarily to operational expenses. Investment loans should not be affected. It was not only to adapt our system to the fiscal situation but also to maintain our credibility with our partners. I take this opportunity to reiterate once again that in the present circumstances the under-expenditure is incomprehensible.
As you know, our strategy involves the implementation of large agricultural projects, mining, industrial, energy and infrastructure. Even if the consultation with concerned investors continued, it must be admitted that the crisis has had a retarding effect on their start, what was added - it must be said - a certain passivity of some officials. However, several projects are on track like hydroelectric dams and Lom Memve'ele Pangar and the gas liquefaction plant at Kribi. For others, the negotiations continue with interested groups and we hope they would soon lead.
Faced with this situation and to save time, it was decided to launch a major bond issue for 200 billion to finance priority infrastructure projects. The State intends to lead by example, as shown by the recent creation of the company HYDROMEKIN public capital to be responsible for the construction of a dam and powerhouse on the course Dja with the cooperation of the Republic China. Other projects, such as those on the port of Kribi, roads and agriculture, will benefit from this kind of funding that helps to mobilize domestic savings and to build on the current excess liquidity of banks.
The impact of the crisis was also felt on the balance of our foreign trade. Indeed, while our exports marking time, imports continued to grow at a rapid pace. Excluding oil, our trade balance would be significantly deficient. We know the reasons. The well-known formula that produces the Cameroon does not consume and consumes what it does not show well the character of our economy yet extroverted. I have often commented on this issue by advocating the increase of agricultural production that we could avoid importing large quantities of food that we could produce ourselves.
So it's a nuanced statement needs to be done on the evolution of our economy, still affected by the crisis over the last twelve months. The fundamentals remain good and the measures we have taken to overcome the hardship has been approved by most international financial institutions. In addition, forecasts for the medium term are more favorable with firmer prices of our major export products and a projected improvement in the rate of growth in the CEMAC zone.
Our diplomatic efforts, meanwhile, had a rather favorable. I think I can say that the voice of Cameroon is now better understood and listened. Indeed I had the opportunity on several occasions and in different forums, comment on topics of interest to developing countries and especially African countries. In general, I pleaded the cause of a better consideration of their interests at the global level and greater solidarity towards them. I reserve the right to return in more detail shortly on what we might call the "rebirth" of our diplomacy. But already, I wish to pay tribute to the work of our representations abroad and our diaspora who gives our country an image of professionalism and dynamism.
After this brief flashback, let me see you with what we can expect the new year.
It will also not an ordinary year.
We will indeed, in 2011, celebrating the 50th anniversary of our reunion. Long separated due to colonization, the two parts of our country who lived under the tutelage of France and Great Britain collected their unit on 1 October 1961. Cameroon, then decided to take the fullness of its past, its unity in diversity, independence and personality politics. It was a great adventure. Nobody could believe it, only we believed it. We got there. Today, we are a Nation, a great nation, a united nation, proud of its cultural and linguistic diversity is wealth, a nation that looks to the future with confidence. Beyond the symbolism it embodies strong, reunification must therefore be seen as an extraordinary turning our country's march toward integration that allows to make our diversity a strength to achieve our common goals.
New Year will also be a special election and the presidential election, crucial moment in our democracy. To give it its full meaning, it is important that voter turnout is as high as possible. Therefore I urge you to register as voters. The right to vote, do not forget, is one of the fundamental rights of citizens that it has a duty to exercise.
For this election is indisputable, I rely heavily on ELECAM that will receive the necessary support of the administration and political parties during election operations. I have every reason to believe that the coming months will be sufficient to ELECAM to put the finishing touches to his device on the ground. We will of course an opportunity to revisit all this.
What are the prospects for our economy in the coming months? Even if they are inevitably influenced by the global context, they should confirm the encouraging signs I mentioned a moment ago. We can hope, with the increase production and domestic consumption, a return to growth in the pre-crisis level. Admittedly, this is not enough but we intend not to satisfy us.
In fact, eating is good. But produce is better. We'll boost our agricultural production, which is within our reach. First, by stimulating our food crops that suffer communication difficulties. Then, by encouraging our crops eking out a living for twenty years while the courts have again become profitable. Finally, by revitalizing our industrial agriculture, export oriented, which has capabilities untapped. I add that this sector has the double advantage of creating jobs and wealth.
We will also strive to develop our manufacturing industries, generating value-added sectors of the wood of certain products of agricultural origin, early metallurgy and when our mining projects will start, first processing.
I know that these projects face barriers to credit and the supply of energy. Regarding the first, I believe that the provisions of donors and the banking sector back to more favorable financing and more accessible. About energy, I am determined to get out of the rut several issues that have stagnated for too long. I'd also be sure that our major projects are monitored sufficiently proactive.
other hand, of course, whatever the circumstances, that the Government will continue its work in the social field.
effort in favor of the state education sector is already very important at all levels. The number of pupils and students steadily increasing demands it. The number of school and university infrastructure is growing. We will not stop no way.
It applies to health. New clinics are open each year. Hospitals are under construction or planned. Doctors and health workers are trained and recruited. The technical training hospital improves. Vaccination programs are continuing. The fight against major pandemics do not slow down. In this regard, I am pleased to announce that I have decided to remove the cost of treatment of uncomplicated malaria among children under five years who is a leading cause of death for this portion of our population. We will continue on this path.
Is it enough? Probably not, but state resources are not inexhaustible. If the recovery is strong, then we will have more resources to be allocated to social sectors.
The conditions of life of our population, they remain at the forefront of our concerns. For access to the water, I think the situation should improve with the commissioning of infrastructure construction, especially in urban centers. For electricity, the shortage penalize not only companies but also each of you, I told you my determination to make things happen. The lack of social housing is also one of the wounds our society. I intend to reopen this issue has been unacceptable drift. We'll have to catch up.
Rest unemployment which, with the slowdown in economic activity has tended to worsen. It is clear - I repeat - as long as our economy has not returned to normal levels, we find it hard to get ahead. The problem is similar around the world. We have, however, the existing capacity, created jobs in public service, primarily in education, health and security forces. These measures will obviously not solve the overall problem of employment whose solution depends on reviving growth, which remains our main concern.
Many other topics will also attract the attention of the Government in the coming months:
• Insecurity persists despite the efforts of law enforcement. New ways, in men and materials will be available to them whenever possible.
• Speculation on food that affects society's most vulnerable and for this reason is wrong. Controls would be strengthened.
• Corruption, she still constantly reborn and spread, it seems, government procurement. We will continue to hunt down without mercy.
• Road safety, which many victims each year. If the appeal to reason is not heard, no doubt he will move to a more strict punishment.
• Finally, the state of roads in our cities, including the largest, will be where it is most degraded, a refresher.
These problems that affect your daily life will be monitored vigilance and a constant search for solutions.
My dear compatriots, I told you
May 17 last, on the eve of our National Day and the 50th anniversary of our independence, we would change time. I would therefore indicate that after having laid the foundations of our state, it was time to give him the economic and social content expected by the people. The various crises that we have suffered, like most developing countries have indeed somewhat delayed this development.
Now that the horizon of the global economy seems to be emerging, I would you of my determination to continue our march forward. Of course to do this, I need your support, which has never failed me. So will we engage in the process of emergence, with the indisputable strengths that are ours.
My dear compatriots,
The time has come for me to introduce to you all, my most sincere wishes of health and happiness for the New Year.
Happy New Year 2011.
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