republic thugs
For some time the king of Cameroon has often delivered to the denunciation of inertia, incompetence, short of burdens that undermine the team every time housekeeper with the commitments made solemnly to address them. Themes (economic crisis, insecurity, youth unemployment, etc..) Have become redundant. On 31 December, beyond the addition of a gain on the evocation of structuring projects and celebration of the jubilee, the consolidation of a democratic rule of law and plural through the struggle against the corruption, strengthening the normative and institutional infrastructure of democracy occupy since the advent of renewal, until today, most of the time for talk of Paul Biya.
However, as noted by the philosopher Fabien Eboussi Boulaga recommends that young researchers, the better for those whose common sense is still sense of a re-interrogation of catechesis related to politics, we must recognize that it is imperative to revisit the notion of rule of law, which from our point of view, can not be a joke. Overall, more befitting the term bandied little use.
If we stick to what we have learned from our teachers:
- The rule of law is a state whose peremptory norms apply to everyone.
- It also refers to the republican principle of equality before the law and the courts and the principle of equal dignity.
is whether, as noted recently Barack Obama after the conviction, 27 December 2010, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the Yukos case, the selective application of the law undermines the rule of law.
Read all sheets that circulate about the conspicuous enrichment of the current Minister for the Presidency of the Republic in charge of defense, one is entitled to the question of who protects Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo'o. In a republic worthy of the name, the revelations made by the Young Observer and referral to the Conac by the Independent Commission against Corruption and discrimination have led to the opening of a judicial inquiry, where appropriate with its leaving government. Alas! In our republic thugs, stay in office, when we are involved in scandals and / or suspected misuse of public funds, is the rule. "The resignation, said J. Patrick Dobel (1999, 133), it remains an ethical option forgotten, and it because it has moral consequences and social pressures that [push the suspect] to stay. "
Obstruction of justice is common, especially when the suspect has a special relationship with the President of the Republic, as seems to be the case with the current Minister of Defense.
Otherwise, how to understand a minister, a specialist in the manipulation and misinformation, which is at the center of several issues affecting the public wealth, if we believe our colleague, is not worried? How to understand the silence of the President of the Republic ?
Without taking a position, we are astounded at the silence of Paul Biya the presentation is made a fortune from his Minister of Defense and the mention of his involvement in overcharging when he was director of the civilian cabinet, which he If we stick to his speeches, has made the fight against corruption and embezzlement of public money a major focus of his public action. Far from
management arguments for the proposition that the defense minister was alone in the situation we are decrying. The case of Gervais Mendo Ze (management prevails fund CRTV), Paul Atanga Nji (diversion to Compost), Ephraim Inoni (Case Albatross), to name but a few, remain vivid in our minds.
Weather Master of arrests of persons suspected of embezzlement of public funds, the silence of Paul Biya surprising largest worldwide.
Political analysts are quick to say that the political management of the Head of State is "relief, suspense and distance" (Owona Nguini, 2010: 16). According to them, the presidential monarch can "save time, vacuum, play dead and let it rot" (ibid.).
This perception of political management is even more relevant than Paul Biya spent a full confession on December 31 last saying, about energy issues affecting Cameroonians, that: "I am determined to get out of the rut several issues that have stagnated for too long" (emphasis added) . The use of the adverb too reflects the excess and establishes the responsibility of Paul Biya, who has left up to the hype. And the catalog of good intentions in his speech at the end of the year leaves many Cameroonians skeptical. They also hesitate to consider it as not being a dealer illusions.
Jean-Bosco Talla
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