Monday, February 7, 2011

Where Can We Purchase Reynolds Fun Shapes

Leloup dans la bergerie malgache

Patrick Leloup
This will almost two years in March 2011 that Madagascar was plunged into a serious political crisis following the overthrow of former President Marc Ravalomanana president installed by then mayor of Antananarivo. Power is exercised now out of control by a small group of individuals, formal or informal advisors.

Against this backdrop of chronic instability and international isolation that corruption, already important in the past, has taken an unimaginable scale " personalities close to the regime use the deposit accounts of the Treasury for personal reasons. They would especially have spent over 100 billion Ariary (50 million) outside of any budget line "(Report 166, International Crisis Group).
In the entourage of the former DJ for 36 years, the frog racketeers of all kinds starting with his special adviser, the Franco-Malagasy Patrick Wolf.
Coming from a large family of Tana, its links with the business community back to the french colonization.
the early 90s, he enjoys the monopoly of the exploitation of emeralds with a family close to President Ratsiraka it leaves while the latter is ruled by Albert Zafy. Opportunist, Wolf became a supporter of Zafy.
Things go wrong with the former President Ravalomanana. It blamed for wanting the Leloup scammed in a real estate deal and was banned from Madagascar. What accredit its hooligan reputation in business circles.
Not surprising to see Robert Bourgi, informal adviser to Sarkozy at the same time a businessman Rajoelina support.
Patrick Wolf

FranCafrican tradition of politico-business is well respected: Foccart, Bourgi which is said to be the spiritual son, also ran his company, Safiex, while he controlled the pre-French square.


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