At least fifteen thousand (15,000) died in 28-year reign of Paul Biya
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One would nevertheless expected that the primary mission of Paul Biya, like any worthy and responsible politician who wants to enter history as a statesman, is to ensure constant and ever our security and that our property, construct and reconstruct our political community permanently and seek the best conditions for our survival and good life. Although 28-year reign and some limited presidential tenure -reforms and efforts have been made, we must recognize that during this long period spent at the head of state, the monarch has become a master of presidential politics of the verb.
Must remember, when Paul Biya came to power in 1982, he promised wonders to Cameroonians. A fringe of Cameroonians adopt his vision of society with even more enthusiasm than in the book to liberalism community, written by some intellectuals and Cameroon that bears his name, he announced "the advent of merit [which] will end the anarchy in which everyone could be found everywhere, but rarely the right person in the place it takes "and wants " strongly " his countrymen to join hands " build a healthy society, that is to say a society composed of men who take pleasure in the company of each other, instead of perceiving themselves rather like wolves, for each other " . Also proposes there to promote: (1) "true democracy" which can not accommodate "some forms of oppression, tyranny or dictatorship regimes civilian and military, even when they claim serve the aspirations of the governed, sacrifice on the altar of freedom order and equality " , (2) the " real development " whose purpose" is to give man conditions of existence as it feels really a free man and able to remain, a free man who is freed from all kinds of colonial prejudices, [...] a man who no longer lives under the influence of superstitious beliefs and dehumanizing " , a man of principle who refuses to wallow in lies and mismanagement, and who does not live " under of fear and ignorance . "This new society, more democratic, more human he calls all his vows is the one in which Cameroonians have no need to express ideas and opinions to key fields. Slogans: "rigor, moral, national integration, the Highest Stage of national unity" mobilize his countrymen who believe in and face the future with great optimism.
Very soon, however Cameroonians disillusioned. They realize that Paul Biya is a demagogue, a specialist in political lie. Good and always sensual pleasure, the catalog illusions that he made to Cameroonians are at the stage of promises. Given the increase of theft, rape awareness, nepotism, tribalism, mismanagement, misappropriation of public funds, they understand that "moral values what was supposed to promote the renewal have been sacrificed on the altar of commercialism, corruption, complacency, influence peddling, contempt for human life, humiliation as a tool for dialogue, multidimensional crime, vagrancy policy ... so much so that It is difficult today, even with this renewal, to indicate in this country a single model under which it may identify " (Njawé, 1995). Today the slogans such as: " rigor, moral and national integration " leave a bitter taste in the mouths of Cameroonians. They have become, for most people for idiots myths, gods constantly raised by supporters of the regime but little love.
paupolienne is that the galaxy is populated by vampires, witches and cannibals. In the words of the philosopher Fabien Eboussi Boulaga, say that vampires and / or wizards (black) feed on the blood and vital energy of others. They emptied their substance and vital energy to turn them into zombies servile (undead) or until death ensues. Daily practices of Paul Biya and some of his closest associates embody the principle and logic of vampirism and witchcraft. They're taking away or give evil cults Western money that would have allowed the survival of many Cameroonians without considering the impact and consequences of these flights that deprive patients of hospitals and medicines, educational institutions and universities libraries, laboratories, white tables, lavatories, classrooms and infirmaries, etc..
Their deviant sexual practices and dehumanizing share the same logic. By asking their sexual partners, usually the same sex, to bend to pick up money and promotion into senior management, they not only want to dominate (to have or maintain the power they confuse with power) but also and above all aspire, better pump or suck the life energy of their multiple partners (energy vampire) by entering into direct contact (full contact) with the place where the art is housed the coccyx or sacrum at the top of the anus and the Hindus call Kundalini, the point at which the energy begins its ascent into the spinal column and enters the central nervous system. So goes the Republic Paul Biya. A Republic of vampires, barbarians where violence and cruelty did not spare the dead and missing, a republic where there is not enough that the dead are dead, but he must "sign ( themselves and what their life and death had been the testimony) forever in the absence and in exile the chaos of the unnamed " , to use Achilles Mbembé.
His Majesty Paul Biya of Cameroon King, should listen to the blood of his countrymen, crying in a "State" where justice, squatting and rotten has no real independence, a "State" murderer and cannibal where players foul and heinous crimes with impunity benefiting strut networks robbery, bribery and extortion, after confiscating the apparatus of the state.
Anyway, Paul Biya must prove capable of reconciling the people of Cameroon to overcome tensions and crises actual and latent shaking his regime. His doubts and hesitations to take certain decisions and to whistle the end of recess concern. If politics is the science of controlling things based on the prediction, projection and organization, it is dangerous for a Head of State (or politician) gives the impression that the events escape him and he is only a puppet, that is to say (French easy) a person that some employees hypocritical, vicious and ambitious maneuver at will and make him do what they want. That's what makes the strength of great statesmen. Paul Biya a great statesman? He proves it.
© Jean-Bosco Talla
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