Kamil Mahdi
The revelations of Wikileaks provide additional insight into the implementation destruction in Iraq war and occupation. These leaks also show how one hand, the loss of Iraqi lives have been minimized and how seriously the other hand, the American and British cruelty have been very little media coverage. But, as Kamil Mahdi, the documents do not always give a complete picture of the devastation that was inflicted on Iraq and its people.
violence and abuse, many of them free, committed by U.S. troops were and are, to a lesser extent, an everyday experience for Iraqis.
This culture of violence and abuse is associated with a military practice that virtually does not value the lives of Iraqis, including civilians.
documents revealed and reported the lack of interest shown for the bureaucratic violence of the occupation on a daily basis. Undoubtedly, the revelations show how the occupation forces are responsible for much (or more) of the violence in Iraq. As perpetrators of such violence or as spectators of the violence committed by local units that the occupation has maintained and continues to protect, support, training and guidance.
The newly reported atrocities emphasize even more the overall responsibility of the United States and Great Britain, as well as their local political allies in the climate of chaos and violence resulting from the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Evidenced by the myriad of failures in the provision of basic security, essential services, economic regeneration, and a constitutional framework and administrative framework to end the crisis of Iraqi society.
Abuse reported these revelations, in addition to all the crimes the U.S. and UK already known, should serve as a reminder: the elements of community violence (as opposed to the regime of repression and terror) experienced in Iraq in recent years resulting from the occupation itself same.
The occupation and destruction of the state has pushed Iraqis to seek protection within their communities. And new institutions were essentially built on the basis of sectarian and ethnic identities. The logbooks show that the occupation forces, instead of investigating the abuse, seek to punish offenders and protect the citizens, terrorized the Iraqi population and given the power to fundamentalists. The occupation has acquiesced to massive population displacements, and proceeded with the construction of concrete walls to separate communities, even without prior approval of the Iraqi government. The occupation has thus created an environment hostile to democratic political forces and nationalists. These are the roots of the sectarian political process and the hesitant back of the increasing repression and violent behavior of new Iraqi security forces operating alongside U.S. troops.
The death squads
What these revelations have not yet revealed, however, what are the details of the operations of death squads that were responsible for killing tens of thousands of Iraqis. Killings simply on the basis of communal identities and which weigh heavily in the outcome of political and social situation of the country.
The death squads
What these revelations have not yet revealed, however, what are the details of the operations of death squads that were responsible for killing tens of thousands of Iraqis. Killings simply on the basis of communal identities and which weigh heavily in the outcome of political and social situation of the country.
These revelations do not show the identity of these death squads organized. Wikileaks does not reveal any links with the U.S. Special Forces who continue to operate in Iraq and who in the past have been involved with death squads around the world.
activities of mercenaries, the so-called "contract security" does not appear in the reports so far of these revelations.
In other words, these documents revealed can not show a complete picture of violence and the manner in which it was used for political and economic.
However they provide a greater insight into the implementation destruction in Iraq by the occupation. They reveal that the official statistics and accounts based on data from the media about the number of Iraqi casualties, such as Iraq Body Count, seriously understate the true extent of casualties, and that foreign media have severely underexposed the extent and cruelty of U.S. and British violence against Iraqis.
The revelations show the low value placed on Iraqi lives in this so-called Operation Iraqi Freedom. And many Iraqis will make the comparison between the military destruction of Iraqi lives unjustified one hand, and the recent decision of the Iraqi government, dependent on the United States, to compensate for a total of $ 400 million a few dozen citizens Americans who have suffered relatively minor damage to their freedoms under the former Saddam regime in 90 and 91.
The Iraqi government of Nouri al-Maliki has complained: the revelations of Wikileaks are politically motivated and serve to embarrass the current interim prime minister himself, and destroy his chances of staying in office. If it did, the opportunity should be seized a few months ago, before Maliki has gained strength to stay in place when he made the implementation of oil contracts that undermine Iraqi sovereignty on its resources and time where he developed a regional and international support for his candidacy by giving more concessions to the United States and their local allies closest.
The revelations show very clearly that there is very little judicial oversight of the new Iraqi security forces engaged in torture, abuse and murder. Although this is not really a revelation for the Iraqis who suffer such abuse, it sheds light on the question of independence, as opposed to the political control of internal forces security. This question is one that disrupts the formation of a new government, while elections were held there over 7 months.
However, the main problem in Iraq remains that the United States continues to insinuate themselves in internal Iraqi affairs through agreements and unfair to other means. Nobody can trust the political independence of the security forces even though there are still thousands of U.S. troops in this country they have occupied and abused.
Translated from English by Elise Broyard for Investig'Action
Source: www.michelcollon.info
Original Source: stopwar
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